Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dreadful day, Duncan died

Duncan arrived to our home on this day in which I plotted his murder!  I reminded Macbeth he must listen to me exactly and staying cunning.  When Duncan arrived I quickly greeted him with grace and gratefulness, part of my greatly deceitful act.  Duncan informed me of his trip, while I pretended to be attentive and caring, I was just keeping my mind on the ultimate goal: the kingdom.

Duncan went to sleep as planned on this dreary night and I just new in the pit of my gut that Macbeth was not man enough to successfully perform such a duty, his nerves were going crazy.  Knowing that Macbeth couldn't do as I asked, I was prepared.  Once all were asleep and the good night bell had sounded I, me the woman of the throne, scurried to Duncan's room with a dagger in hand.  I was entirely ready to stab King Duncan to his final breath when I made the mistake of looking at his face, King Duncan has an uncanny resemblance to my sleeping father!  My despised feminine emotions took me away from Duncan in that instant, and carried me back to my quarters.

As I paced the bedroom I was highly upset with myself and just as the bedroom door opened I was readying myself to put my pansy of a husband in place!  But once Macbeth walked through the door he admitted he committed the murder of the King.  I was proud for a moment until I realized he brought back the bloody dagger to our room, he ruined the wretched plan!!!

Macbeth killing the King :D

Lady Macbeth
Lady of Cawdor

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